Our presence is to give more meaning to the advancement of education in Indonesia. A companion study students to achieve peak performance in learning is a joy for us, of course adapted to changing times. The concept of always learning, evaluation and innovation we Budayakan not only in terms of management but also for the achievment students in learning activities. The existence of the stronger institutions tutoring with the presence of various regulations and laws related to the responsibilities of education, namely that it is essentially not only for education expenses borne by governments alone, but also on family and community. Heavy load of students at the National Examination (UN) and the pattern of competition is pretty tight in the Selection Admissions (SNCA) encouraged us to provide good preparation for students early on with a good mastery of concepts learned through the method of utilization of Multimedia Learning Revolution as a learning tool expected to accelerate and reinforce mastery of concepts learned.
This is the excellence we are building the world of education with multimedia and audio visual facilities are expected to be the key to learning for students because studies show the effectiveness of learning through this method is 5-20 times better than konfensional method.Challenges ahead
We are well aware that the challenges to be faced by students in the future is more complex, heavier and more sophisticated. So success in the classroom, at school and in society, it is not success that is relevant to the issue of life. For lunch, stock-related quality improvement and self-development, becoming a very serious thing to be applied to every child we educate.
There are three major problems that confront us in the future, namely the issue of globalization, interdependence and cultural clashes. Thirdly it requires a more robust preparedness for and must be started now. If it had to face the future simply faced with a sufficient academic ability, but can not anymore. Mastery of information technology, international language skills and life skill development early on is a necessity today. How can we master the technology of information, if our limited language skills.VISION
Participate in the intellectual life of the nation and contribute to improving the quality of national education, and fostering a culture of learning communities.
1. Become a trusted educational institutions, innovative, creative dam.
2. Being a professional educational institutions with different concepts of excellence, service, and human resources.
3. A place for every man to be creative, work, and develop themselves.
4. Became the asset of education and community pride.
1. Provide a method of learning to students with Learning Revolution is very effective in understanding the concepts of the lesson.
2. Help students overcome learning disabilities through the guidance of qualified teaching staff and knowledgeable with the systematic Learning Handbook.
3. Provide a very complete education information for elementary, junior, and senior high school.
4. Providing competitive strategy for the students to enter higher education level so successful entering junior high, senior high, and Higher Education and a leading favorite in accordance with the interests and abilities.
5. Improve student achievement so as to obtain daily values, grades, National Final Examination score, dam SNCA good value.
6. Help students learn more effectively and efficiently



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About me

Smart Education Tutoring Pemalang serve Especially for younger kids who want to continue education State Universities / Private Sector, especially the Department of Medical or other Health (Midwifery, Nursing and Pharmacy) and STAN (State College of Accountancy …)
Why do we prioritize the Department of Medicine / Health Affairs and STAN? Because this has proven to majors who have a high degree of difficulty to pass the Entrance Examination.
EXAM PASS GUARANTEE and no any payment before it actually proved RECEIVED in the PTN / S, the Academy is.
Specify your choice and we are ready Help!!!

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